Thursday, 15 April 2010

Lib Dem pledges

My latest bit of post from the Lib Dems is this letter asking which of their pledges "matter most" to me.

It kicks off with some typical Labour-bashing but goes on to set out some policies. Well done.

Overleaf it lists six 'pledges' and asks me to number them in order of preference, presumably so they can send me more bumf in a few weeks time on the topic of my choosing.

It's pretty light stuff, and a lot of it mentions or implies the wickedness of Labour, but they are making an attempt to say what they're gonna do.

Just as things were going so well, I glance at the flier that accompanies the letter, bearing the slogan "Don't be conned by desperate Labour!" in big friendly letters. "Labour have little positive to say about their own record," it hilariously claims. Nick Clegg, on the other hand, does have something positive to say... in a smaller box on the right. Tsk.


Positive substance balanced by bitchiness. However, it's much less dull than the Labour literature I got last week, which was full of the kind of pointless claims (better policing, fairer society, more funding for schools) that only the likes Hitler and Ming the Merciless could possibly disagree with.

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