Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Dear oh dear oh dear

Dear oh dear oh double dear. The latest mailing from the Lib Dems is a fairly depressing read.

"Who is standing up for Hornsey and Wood Green?" it asks me in big letters. "Not Gordon Brown's Labour Party", it answers. Then there's a whole bunch of Labour-bashing, about how they backed Bush on the Iraq war (bang up-to-date, guys!) and how we shouldn't be "conned by desperate Labour".

Most of this nasty piece of campaign 'literature', though, is about tactical voting. The only reason that the Lib Dems seem to be able to come up with for voting Lib Dem is that... some other people are.


Yes, you've had a surge in support. Yes, you might get some votes. But what have you got to say for yourselves? Full marks for elucidating what the other parties are up to, zero for telling us anything positive about yourselves. Boooo.

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